Version list

PtaPta Member Posts: 25
I recently had a disscusion with a friend about setting the correct version on a table in the Version List. Lets say we have a table with the following version "NAVW15.00,NAVSE4.00.01" Lets say we remove all the country specific fields, in this case 11000, and put them in 50000 instead should we then keep NAVSE4.00.01 in the version list? If you want to keep NAVSE4.00.01 please explain why.


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Example: Say you are upgrading a database, but have removed the country specific version tag from an object. In the upgraded object there are changes directly related to that object, but you can't tell that they should be implemented because it looks like you have used a custom W1 version instead.

    Just my opinion, but I don't think you should ever remove things from the version field. The only exception I can think of is removing customizations (company customizations, not country).

    I may be talking myself in circles, which I expect is where you both are.
  • PtaPta Member Posts: 25
    Yes, we have been discussed this back and forth alot :) I dont se the point in having the country specific version information left, I think it will be more confusing than good. When I see NAVSE4.00.01 in the version list I belive that other unmodified SE objects that refer to that table does not have to be modified in order to work. What is your opinion?
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    if you have removed all fields and code and properties and keys regarding the country specific version (this can be done by importing the standard W1 table) you shouldn't maintain the version list...because your object is actually the W1 one...anyway, you shouldn't remove country specific fields, unless you have a very very good reason for doing it...
    why do you want to remove country customizations?
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  • PtaPta Member Posts: 25
    What we did was taking, keys, code, functions and fields from a SE table and added those to a standard object. In the new table the fields are located in Field Id 50000 and above. So the modified table only differs when you compare the added field number. Should we then add NAVSE4.00.01 to the version list or use a different version tag?
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    this is different from your previous post: now you say you copied something from a localized object and put it on a customized this case i would not copy the localized version list, it is pointless, because it's a customized objects, created from scratch by a partner (you) and then modified
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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  • PtaPta Member Posts: 25
    Sorry for messing things up. My last post reflects what we actually did.
  • Aske_HolstAske_Holst Member Posts: 13
    This sounds like a cross-licensing deal, what has it been like dealing with MS on this? I haven't done cross-license since before it was something you could officially do, so I'm curious to hear your experience.
  • PtaPta Member Posts: 25
    I am not really sure but I think you have to purchase a license for each region you add to the objects.
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