Different price group for same sales order

hewajithhewajith Member Posts: 96

I wants to have a sales order which contains different price groups.

for example,

sales order header the price group is CP1

then it will default for every lines,

But I want to change the price group of some of the lines to CP2,

But problem is system does not allow me to do it.

Is there any way to do it



  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Yes you can, Nav uses its best pricing structure to find the best sales price for the customer.

    On the sales order you will see on the right it shows Sales Price and line discounts. IF you only have one sales option on either field then you only have 1 pricing option available. Setup multiple options for an item etc .by UOM pricing group or QTY and you will see that the system allows you to choice others.
  • hewajithhewajith Member Posts: 96
    Thank you for your reply,

    Yes you create more price group for same customer.
    but at the order level , say your order header has one price group defulted from customer then when you create lines the same price group will be defulted. my problem is

    1. I want to select different price group from dropdown list which is the NAV does not allow


    2. select different price group get price function , but here it is not listing other price groups other than the defulted one

  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    See viewtopic.php?f=23&t=37515&p=183441#p183441

    Since you have posted twice
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