Expand/collapse with right arrow

ErwinErwin Member Posts: 14

Is it possible to expand/collapse a tree view form with the left- and right-arrow key (like in windows explorer) in stead of clicking it with your mouse?
I tried creating a button with a shortcutkey that does the expanding/collapsing. Problem is that the shortcutkey does not allow anything else than the function keys.




  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Unless you do it through a .NET automation, there is no way to know which arrow key is pressed.

    The only hack I can even think of is somehow monitoring the OnActivate and OnDeactivate triggers, but even then mouse clicks would have the same effect.
  • ErwinErwin Member Posts: 14
    It's not a problem if the mouse-click is still working. The only thing that's important is that the arrow keys will also work.
  • ErwinErwin Member Posts: 14
    Problem solved. I downloaded the Hotkey Extender (http://www.mibuso.com/dlinfo.asp?FileID=1120). With this automation I can catch all keyboard events.
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