n00b :) Making raport basing on few "views"

michalkmichalk Member Posts: 43
Hello - from time to time i face new problems when making raports - now I have to make something like this:
From ItemLedgerEntry select all records matching ItemNumber and LocationCode. Display totals of Quantity for each Item and LocationCode (one item can be placed on many locations). Now my extraoridinary skills are not enough to do something like this. When I have create totals for each indeks I create virtual table and if there is no ItemNo. in this table i insert it and if it is i sum quantity+=quantity. How to deal with additional variable which is Location? Create another (second) virt. table and do similar loop for location? How to join 2 virtual tables?

Any examples which are similar are welcome.




  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884
    first clearify what u want to do?
    as far i uderstand do u want to qty by "item no" and by "location code"?

    Vijay Gupta
  • michalkmichalk Member Posts: 43
    vijay_g wrote:
    first clearify what u want to do?
    as far i uderstand do u want to qty by "item no" and by "location code"?

    Vijay Gupta

    It's exactly what I want - in ItemLedgerEntry there are detailed records with quantity. I want them on report but summarised by quantity and per LocationNo

    Item QTY Loc
    Item1 10 200
    Item2 11 200
    Item1 20 210
    Item2 30 210
  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884
    the format of report is like
    "item no" loc1 loc2 loc3
    item1 200 100 300
    item2 50 15 100

    first of all store all location from item table in a array and print it in header and same array for qty. after that check each item location for array dimension and store it in same dimention for
    qty array. in this case u don't need to repeat item.

    i think it will be so useful to u.

    Vijay Gupta
  • michalkmichalk Member Posts: 43
    vijay_g wrote:
    the format of report is like
    "item no" loc1 loc2 loc3
    item1 200 100 300
    item2 50 15 100

    first of all store all location from item table in a array and print it in header and same array for qty. after that check each item location for array dimension and store it in same dimention for
    qty array. in this case u don't need to repeat item.

    i think it will be so useful to u.

    Vijay Gupta

    Tnx. I have to think of all those things You wrote and understand it :)

  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Would it not be easier to use SumIndexes rather then looping thru every Item Ledger Entry record?
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Yeah, just do a Location DataItem, followed by a linked ItemLedgerEntry DataItem. In your ILE predataitem trigger set the Location Filter flowfilter and CALCFIELDS the Inventory field.

    Wow, I crammed a lot of NAV specific words in those sentences :D
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