Remaining Quantity is too Low Consumption Journal

DDLDDL Member Posts: 41
Hi Experts,

I am Using Navision 4.0 Sp3 HF7 India.

I am getting an error Remaining Quantity is too low while posting a consumption journal .
I have selected a Applies-to-Entry in the Consumption Journal for that Particular Item & It has the same remaining Quantity as required to be posted.
I have checked for Reservation & Other Calculation.
When i checked the item ledger entry also it show the same remaining value.
The required qty is in decimal & When i Changed the Decimal places of the Field (Quantity,Remaining Quantity) to include 10 decimal Places in the Item Ledger Entry it Shows SomeThing Like This 348.9999999 .I dont Know how it is calculating like this and the item is a byproduct from a production which is consumed in another production order.

Can you please help me on this.

Thanks In Advance.


  • cernstcernst Member Posts: 280
    Check Location code, serialno and lot no. calculation is based upon these parameters.
    NAV Freelance Consultant
  • DDLDDL Member Posts: 41
    I have Checked These Parameters. Everything Seems to be fine, But i dont know why its posting like this. This Problem Occurs only when i use the ByProduct Item. When I post the Byproduct item in Consumption as Negative Quantity, Some times it creates two ledger entries one with the quantity as 100.00001 and another entry as -.00001. Please Help Me on this any think i need to check ?
    Thanks in Advance
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