grouping in the sales invoice report

airamairam Member Posts: 88
hi all,
I'm doing a customization on the Sales Invoice Report, the client requirement is that where there is the same item in the invoice it is grouped and only the total quantity and line amounts are outputted. I'm grouping by Document No.,Type,No.,VAT Prod. Posting Group,Unit of Measure Code,Unit Price...
The report works good for invoices with only lines of type 'ITEM', what i did is i removed SETRANGE("Line No.",0,"Line No."); from the PreDataItem, but this created a problem on those of type 'G/L Account, Resource' etc .. if i leave that line of code, only some of the items of the invoice are showing .. any ideas of how to resolve it pls? thanks :)


  • FecaFeca Member Posts: 5

    And If You use 2 data items (<Sales invoice Line> and Sales Invoice Line2)?

    DataItem Name
    Sales Invoice Header <Sales Invoice Header>
    Integer CopyLoop
    Integer PageLoop
    Integer DimensionLoop1
    Sales Invoice Line <Sales Invoice Line>
    Sales Invoice Line Sales Invoice Line2
    Integer Sales Shipment Buffer
    Integer DimensionLoop2
    Integer VATCounter
    Integer VatCounterLCY
    Integer Total
    Integer Total2

    With the first You handle the "ITEM" type Sales Lines
    With the second You handle the Other (Blank,G/L Account,Resource,Fixed Asset,Charge (Item)) types Sales Lines

    Use the Section Designer:
    Sales Invoice Line, Body (3) - OnPreSection()
    CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(Type = 2); //ITEM type

    Sales Invoice Line2, Body (3) - OnPreSection()
    CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(Type <> 2); //NOT ITEM type

    I hope this is good for You.

    Hi, Feca
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