Fill a dynamic table

HanenHanen Member Posts: 281

I have a dynamic table with id_client and periods, every month a column period related to the month+year is created in my table, I must fill this table with the id client and the amount per period, I've find how to creat the dynamic table but not how to insert records in my table, how can I do that :(

I'm working with a stored procedure.

IdClient	200901	200902	200903	200904
C001	35 €	42 €	19 €	22 €

Please any one can help me :thumbsup:
Thanks for your answers



  • KosheKoshe Member Posts: 37
    I'm working with a stored procedure.
    - do you mean you want to fill this table from SQL? could you paste then SQL for creating your table then?
  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
    I mean that I'm using SQL Server 2005 to create and insert into my table.

    Hanen TALBI
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    And this table has to be accessed through the Navision client? If so that's a bad way to do it.
  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
    Yes it will be accessed from navision, it's the only way I think because I'm going to use it in my report to be exported to MS Excel for statistics.

    Hanen TALBI
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    And you can't create the table in Navision with the appropriate fields, and then fill it in from SQL?

    This should also be moved to the SQL forum.
  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
    I can't do it in vanision it's a dynamic table it means that my fields depends with the periods...........

    Hanen TALBI
  • MalajloMalajlo Member Posts: 294
    I think you are designing in wrong way.
    If it is one-time generation, then it is ok to add fields in table. But if you want to use data for reports, then think to extend Key with additional column - Period.

    WTF?!?!? :-k :bug: ?
    Name	DataType	Subtype	Length
    TableRef	Record	Field	
    TableRefLast	Record	Field	
    TableRefLast.setrange(TableRefLast.TableNo,50000) ;
    TableRefLast.findfirst ;
    tableref := tablereflast ;
    TableRef."No." := 2 ;
    TableRef.FieldName := 'Drugi' ;
    tableRef.insert ;
  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
    I want to have an Excel sheet with column for CustomerId, periods from 200905 until 200909 and each month a column is added like 200910 at the end of the month filled with the amoujnt of each period per customer.

    I'm using stored procedure, to create my dynamic table to be exported, everything is perfect but only the insert into didn't work, I can't fill it :(

    Hanen TALBI
  • KosheKoshe Member Posts: 37
    I can't do it in vanision it's a dynamic table it means that my fields depends with the periods...........
    you can do it in navision. the key would be customer + period.
    but if you're doing it in SQL it's your choice.
    could you paste your stored procedure which inserts the records? Then it would be much easier to help you :)
  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
    Thanks :) I did it this my procedure statement:
    	DECLARE @weeks_ordered TABLE (num VARCHAR(7)) 
    	DECLARE @weeks TABLE (wk VARCHAR(10)) 
    	DECLARE @cols NVARCHAR(3000) 
    	DECLARE @col_pv VARCHAR(2000) 
    	DECLARE @query VARCHAR(3000) 
            DECLARE @debut as smalldatetime
            DECLARE @fin   as smalldatetime
    SET @debut='01/01/2009'
    SET @fin='01/12/2009'
    	SET @INT = '200901'
    	--SET @DATE = GETDATE() 
    	WHILE @INT <= cast(CONVERT(char(6),@fin, 112)as NVARCHAR(100))
    	    SET @INT = cast(CONVERT(char(6),@debut, 112)as NVARCHAR(100))
    		INSERT INTO @weeks VALUES (@INT) 
    	   	set @debut=DATEADD(month,1,@debut)  
    	SELECT @col_pv = STUFF(( SELECT   
    	                                '],[p'  + p.wk
    	                        FROM  @weeks AS p 
    	                        FOR XML PATH('') 
    	                       ), 1, 12, '') + ']'  
       SELECT @cols = STUFF(( SELECT   
    	                                '],[p'  + p.wk
    	                        FROM  @weeks AS p 
    	                        FOR XML PATH('') 
    	                       ), 1, 12, '') + ']'
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#detail') IS not null 
    	        DROP TABLE #detail 
    	CREATE TABLE #detail 
    	Client VARCHAR(20) 
    	,Nom VARCHAR(50)
    	,"Id Commercial" VARCHAR(100)
    	,Agence Varchar (100) 
    	,Montant DECIMAL 
    	,Period varchar(100)
    	INSERT INTO #detail 
    		 hdr."Sell-to Customer No_"  Client
    		,hdr."Bill-to Name" Nom
    		,cast( commercial."Name" as varchar(100))  As "Id Commercial"
    				commercial.NomCommercialDistrib='' and commercial.NTiersCommercialDistrib=''
    				THEN commercial.NomRegroupement
    				commercial.NTiersCommercialDistrib='' and commercial.NomCommercialDistrib<>''
    				THEN commercial.NomRegroupement+'#'+ commercial.NomCommercialDistrib
    				commercial.NomCommercialDistrib='' and commercial.NTiersCommercialDistrib<>'' 
    				THEN commercial.NomRegroupement+'/'+ commercial.NTiersCommercialDistrib
    				else commercial.NomRegroupement+'/'+ commercial.NTiersCommercialDistrib+'#'+ commercial.NomCommercialDistrib
    	    ,hdr.Montant Montant
    	    ,'p'+cast(CONVERT(char(6),hdr."Shipment Date", 112)as NVARCHAR(100)) Period 
    	dbo."CORIOLIS_V1$Sales Invoice Header" hdr 
    	INNER Join @weeks ord ON cast(CONVERT(char(6),hdr."Shipment Date", 112)as NVARCHAR(100)) = wk 
    	,dbo."CORIOLIS_V1$Salesperson_Purchaser" commercial
    	,dbo.CORIOLIS_V1$Subcontract subcont
    		subcont."Customer No_"=hdr."Sell-to Customer No_"
    		and commercial.Code=subcont.Salesperson
    	GROUP BY 
    			 hdr."Sell-to Customer No_"
    			,hdr."Bill-to Name" 
    			,cast(CONVERT(char(6),hdr."Shipment Date", 112)as NVARCHAR(100))
    ORDER BY Client
    	SET @query = 
    		, Nom
    		, "Id Commercial"
    		, Agence
    		, '     + @cols+ ' 
    	PIVOT (sum(Montant) FOR Period IN (' + @col_pv + ')) as pv 
    	Order By Client

    thanks for everybody's help =D> :thumbsup:
    Just one more question, anyone knows whow can we export Data to MS Excel 2007 from SQL Server 2005

    Hanen TALBI
  • KosheKoshe Member Posts: 37
    Just one more question, anyone knows whow can we export Data to MS Excel 2007 from SQL Server 2005
    Right click on the database->Select Source (the database you want export data from)->Select "Microsoft Excel" as destination->Select the export method->Select the table you want export data from.
    Thats about it...
  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
    I want it to be done on the code, automatically on the stored procedure :(
    I found how to do it but it works for a table not a dynamic temp table :(

    Hanen TALBI
  • BeliasBelias Member Posts: 2,998
    Malajlo wrote:
    I think you are designing in wrong way.
    If it is one-time generation, then it is ok to add fields in table. But if you want to use data for reports, then think to extend Key with additional column - Period.

    WTF?!?!? :-k :bug: ?
    Name	DataType	Subtype	Length
    TableRef	Record	Field	
    TableRefLast	Record	Field	
    TableRefLast.setrange(TableRefLast.TableNo,50000) ;
    TableRefLast.findfirst ;
    tableref := tablereflast ;
    TableRef."No." := 2 ;
    TableRef.FieldName := 'Drugi' ;
    tableRef.insert ;

    not sure tu understand this post...what are you trying to achieve?inserting a field from code?you can't do it
    "Never memorize what you can easily find in a book".....Or Mibuso
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  • MalajloMalajlo Member Posts: 294
    It can be done. I tried and it works.
  • HanenHanen Member Posts: 281
    Can you tell me how?????

    Hanen TALBI
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