Qty on Purch. Order - Set flow filter to show Blanket Orders

MatthewRBrittonMatthewRBritton Member Posts: 27
Greetings gathered Genii!

On the item card there is a flow field which shows the sum of outstanding quantities of each item which is currently on purchase order. Quite rightly, this quantity does not include any qty on blanket order.

When you drill down through this field, you see the purchase line form with a table filter applied. I want to permanently modify the table filter applied to this form from Document type = Order to Document type = Order|Blanket Order so that I can see at a glance if I have any quantity on Blanket Purchase order. I tried modifying the calc formula of field 84 of the line table to

Sum("Purchase Line"."Outstanding Qty. (Base)" WHERE (Document Type=FILTER(Order|Blanket Order),Type=CONST(Item),No.=FIELD(No.),Shortcut Dimension 1 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 1 Filter),Shortcut Dimension 2 Code=FIELD(Global Dimension 2 Filter),Location Code=FIELD(Location Filter),Drop Shipment=FIELD(Drop Shipment Filter),Variant Code=FIELD(Variant Filter),Expected Receipt Date=FIELD(Date Filter)))

but this affects the vlaue shown in the field on the item table, whcih I dont want to do.

Any ideas or hints would be greatly appreciated.



  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    NEVER modify any flowfield definitions of any of the core fields. They are used extensively throughout the system for calculations, and making such a change can cause severe problems.

    What I would do in your shoes is copy the field, change the flowfield definition on the new field, and leave the existing one alone.
  • MatthewRBrittonMatthewRBritton Member Posts: 27
    Thanks for the advice DenSter. Thats a good idea about copying and creating a new field. I'll look into creating a field called Qty on Blanket Order in the item table, then put that on the item card. I take it that the table filter that is appplied to the Purchase Line table cannot be modified without affecting the value in the field?
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    When you change the definition of a calculation, you're going to affect the results of that calculation. The CalcFormula defines how the flowfield is calculated, so if you change one of the filters, you're going to change the value of the flowfield. The drilldown is nothing more than a view into the records that that calculation is based on.
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