I'm exploring the possibilities of Navision CRM version 3.70, and I must say:

But, as always, you want to have the damn little program to do just a little bit more :
Synchronize the following with Outlook (one way of course)
- Activity Log Entries (attachment also, or am I asking too much?)
- Profile list entries
- Opportunities (just the header)
- pre-assign some To-Do types to Sales Person
Are there any developments/experiences on this subject?
Rather late answer, but better than nothing
I am not sure you can do something like that using OLWrapper.DLL from 3.70. However the dll from 4.0 - OLHandler allows making your own UserDefined fields for Contacts/Tasks/Appointments.
Check out 'NS Outlook Synchronization Handler'.OContact object - there are 2 new methods there:
GetUserProperty SetUserProperty
Unfortunately I haven't seen any documentation on these methods, but I believe you can find something similar in Outlook Object Model:
So you can synchronize whatever you wish from Navision to Outlook into those fields...I suppose :-k
has someone used the new functions and can give me a code snippet?
I can't get it working.
The following line of code does not throw an error, but in Outlook there is no new property called TurnOver afterwards.
IF NOT OlContact.SetUserProperty('TurnOver', 1, '10000') THEN
Yes - I recall this one, it worked a bit funny - only when a corresponding item was opened in Outlook (e.g. Contact Card)
Have you tried the same code with the latest updates (4.0 SP1 or SP2)?
thanks for your reply.
I tried it with 4.01 (21990) only.
So, you have not a working solution?
Parallel to this thread i will ask MBS-Support. I will let you know, if they will send me some docs.