NAV Object Compare
This tool will help you to compare and merge objects from different databases.
Before using the tool you need to open to Navision Clients and point them to the databases you want to compare.
After having filled the path of your preferred tool to compare txt files (compare software path), and pointed to the two databases press COMPARE and the software you selected will open up with the two objects already extracted as text files.
Now you can merge one into the other save and close the program, you can now import and compile the merged file back into the Database.
Discuss this download here.
This tool will help you to compare and merge objects from different databases.
Before using the tool you need to open to Navision Clients and point them to the databases you want to compare.
After having filled the path of your preferred tool to compare txt files (compare software path), and pointed to the two databases press COMPARE and the software you selected will open up with the two objects already extracted as text files.
Now you can merge one into the other save and close the program, you can now import and compile the merged file back into the Database.
New Functionality Added:
- New Two Buttons to Import the Compared txt file only in the selected DB.
- Added support for NAV 2009 Page Object.
- Added ToolTip to every button to quicly understand what every button does.
Discuss this download here.
If anyone has got any suggestion to make the tool better please let me know and I'll do my best to improve it!!!
I really need to use it but I don't know how, is there a help??? I need to merge some object but I'm afraid to affect the DB it will be a catastroph :oops:
Thanks for help!!!!!
I'm afraid I didn't write any help file but what you need to do is just to open the two NAV clients you want to compare then open my tool and read the tooltip that will appear on the buttons when you hover with the mouse...
Just try on a CRONUS before so you understand how it works....also you need to input the path of the executable you want to use for the WinMerge for example....
Let me know if I can help you more!
When i press Compare button it prompt me error message
In the "Compare Software Path" field you have to insert the path of the executable software... for example you could install this free software and then insert the exe path...
In database name just put the name of the db without the path...
let me know if you have any problems...
When I hit the compare button, I get an error that says
The system can not find the specified file"
It is correct, PUIGMAJOR is my secondary DB Servername, and NAVSQL01 is the database name.
In fact if I switch the primary and the secondary DB, I get the same error with TEIDE OHSJDNAVSQL.
Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?
Author of the book Implementing Dynamics NAV 2013
Cursos Dynamics NAV (spanish) : - A new lesson released every day.
Have you opened both databases with a NAV client?
You need two sessions open to the specified databases.
Yes, both databases where opened.
Author of the book Implementing Dynamics NAV 2013
Cursos Dynamics NAV (spanish) : - A new lesson released every day.
I think there is a bug in my code the problem is the lowercase name of the database... I'll fix it when I've got a moment but in the meantime you could try to change the name of the database to NAVSQL01...and let me know if it works....
Thanks for reporting the bug!
But i checked the text file exactly same as old version object details.
I don't know why system prompt property unknown?
I tried with another server, with an uppercase DB name and it works just fine.
Another question: Does it just works with DB running under SQL, or can I use your tool with a NAV Server? What about a DB with no server?
You asked for suggestions to improve the tool: it would be great if you could compare more than one object at the same time. Be able to say Object ID=3..23 or any other filter. Even better if you could compare multiple objects from multiple objects type at the same time.
Author of the book Implementing Dynamics NAV 2013
Cursos Dynamics NAV (spanish) : - A new lesson released every day.
This tool will help you to compare and merge objects from different databases.
Before using the tool you need to open to Navision Clients and point them to the databases you want to compare.
After having filled the path of your preferred tool to compare txt files (compare software path), and pointed to the two databases press COMPARE and the software you selected will open up with the two objects already extracted as text files.
Now you can merge one into the other save and close the program, you can now import and compile the merged file back into the Database.
Version 5/05/2011:
Fixed the "Object Caption Problem", when extracting an object it was using the object caption name instead of the correct object name.
Version 20/11/2009:
New Functionality Added:
- New Two Buttons to Import the Compared txt file only in the selected DB.
- Added support for NAV 2009 Page Object.
- Added ToolTip to every button to quicly understand what every button does.
Discuss this download here.
This is really a helpful tool! Thanks a lot for sharing it.
But in me environment it is not working correctly. I have two Server and two DBs. The tool settings are:
Primary DB
Server Name: NTNAVI5
Database Name: cw-nav5
Secondary DB
Server Name: NTNAVI5B
Database Name: cw-nav5-test
Object Type Codeunit
Object ID 1
For compare, the tool is exporting two text files:
DB1_cw-nav5-test _Codeunit_1.txt
But with the same content!
Any Idea what I’m doing wrong?
In a previous version, I belive it was working correctly.
Used Systems: NAV5 SP1, XP, SQL
Was it working with the old one?
I'll have a look and try to correct the bug...
I've just uploaded a new version of the tool that should fix your problem
This tool will help you to compare and merge objects from different databases.
Before using the tool you need to open two Navision Clients and point them to the databases you want to compare.
After having filled the path of your preferred tool to compare txt files (compare software path), and pointed to the two databases press COMPARE and the software you selected will open up with the two objects already extracted as text files.
Now you can merge one into the other save and close the program, you can now import and compile the merged file back into the Database.
Version 22/07/2011:
Updated the logic to retrieve the correct session of NAV opened, this should solve the problems with the same database name on different servers...
Version 5/05/2011:
Fixed the "Object Caption Problem", when extracting an object it was using the object caption name instead of the correct object name.
Version 20/11/2009:
New Functionality Added:
- New Two Buttons to Import the Compared txt file only in the selected DB.
- Added support for NAV 2009 Page Object.
- Added ToolTip to every button to quickly understand what every button does.
Discuss this download here.
Thanks!!! That was super quick!!!
The tool can be used even with local c/side clients so no need of sql...just type in the database name only (with the path or without)...
No the tool can only compare the same object on the different databases....but if I've got time I may implement the functionality 8)
I set up a server, I opened a client using the server and I entered an object. What's wrong?
Also which OS are you using 32bit or 64bit?
Doesn't work either.
Win7 x64