Allow Blank VAT Date feature

TomekJotTomekJot Member Posts: 23
I'm using Dynamics NAV 5.0 SP1 Feature Pack 1 and I can't find a way how to use - Allow Blank VAT Date - feature in VAT Posting Group.
I thought that it allows me to leave VAT Date blank e.g. in Sales Invoice, Sales Credit Memo, but it is impossible to leave this filed empty, even if the Allow Blank VAT Date is checked. Thanks in advance for any help.


  • FecaFeca Member Posts: 5

    If You not check "Use VAT Date" field in General Ledger Setup, the posting date and the vat fulfilment date are same.
    If You check "Use VAT Date" field in General Ledger Setup, the vat fulfilment date is may differing than posting date.
    The function: allow differing between posting date and vat fulfilmet date.

    Do I talk about same thing that You?

    Hi, Feca
  • FecaFeca Member Posts: 5

    The "Allow Blank VAT Date" is working:

    - only in General Journal
    - if Gneneral Ledger setup.Use VAT Date is true
    - and if GenJnlLine."Gen. Posting Type" > 0
    - and the VAt Posting Setup.Allow Blank VAT Date is true on the right combination.

    Look here:

    Codeunit 11:

    WITH GenJnlLine DO BEGIN


    IF GLSetup."Use VAT Date" THEN BEGIN
    VATDateNeeded := FALSE;
    IF "Gen. Posting Type" > 0 THEN
    IF VATPostingSetup.GET("VAT Bus. Posting Group","VAT Prod. Posting Group") THEN
    IF NOT VATPostingSetup."Allow Blank VAT Date" THEN
    VATDateNeeded := TRUE;
    IF "Bal. Gen. Posting Type" > 0 THEN
    IF VATPostingSetup.GET("Bal. VAT Bus. Posting Group","Bal. VAT Prod. Posting Group") THEN
    IF NOT VATPostingSetup."Allow Blank VAT Date" THEN
    VATDateNeeded := TRUE;
    IF VATDateNeeded THEN
    IF ("VAT Date" <> 0D) THEN BEGIN
    IF VATDateNotAllowed("VAT Date") THEN
    FIELDERROR("VAT Date",Text26500);
    VATPeriodCheck("VAT Date");
    TESTFIELD("VAT Date");


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