Controlling 2 matrixboxes simultaneously

GijsGijs Member Posts: 3

I am displaying 2 matrixboxes on a form (on the left side the employees are displayed and on top the dates are displayed).
The matrixboxes show different information about the employees, but I wonder if it is possible to control both matrixboxes at the same time.
When I scroll in the first matrixbox between the dates (for example I go from 01/01/09 to 31/01/09) I want the second matrixbox to do the same ...
Does anyone know how this could be done ?




  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    If possible I would re-think the solution. What are you displaying? Does the user have to drill down on the information? You could display the data in each cell like "Info 1 (Info 2)" or something.

    Do they have to see both pieces of information at the same time? If not then just have an option that they select for the data that should be shown.

    Otherwise I think you're stuck with a very messy SendKeys operation, and even then I don't know if it would work.
  • GijsGijs Member Posts: 3

    Yes the user will be able to drill-down on both matrixboxes, and they have explicitly asked for 2 matrixboxes.
    The purpose is to view the matrixboxes at the same time, so an option to choose between the 2 is not really a solution.
    I would be able to integrate it all in the first matrixbox with the "info 1 (info 2)" but since 2 matrixboxes were asked it would be nice to make it like this.
    The matrixboxes work correctly and the correct info is displayed, also the drill-down works correctly, only problem is that the first matrix can be on date 01/01/08 and the second on 31/12/09, therefore the overview is gone and that is a pity ...

    Thx anyway,

    Anyone else a solution ?
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    I don't think you'll find a clean solution to this, but I had another idea.

    When you click a cell in one matrix box you could setfilters on the other matrix box. Do a find and it will take you to the correct record. Remove the filters and all records will return to the display.

    It might work, it might be awful because of "screen flickering" with the records disappearing and reappearing, or it might not work at all. But it never hurts to try.

    Another thought is to override the lookup method on cell and display both values in one cell. Since the arrows are displayed in the order lookup, drilldown you could have the lookup take you to information about the first value and the drilldown the second value. But if they really want two matrix boxes then that won't work either.
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