Guidance in Navision - Advanced

chandrurecchandrurec Member Posts: 560
Dear all,

I want some guidance in Navision in some of the advanced areas like Matrix table, Integer table etc. So if anybody interested in helping, please give your mobile number. Preferrably if somebody working in Chennai, India.

Thanks in advance.



  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    did you read the pdf documents from product DVD or from partnersource?
    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • chandrurecchandrurec Member Posts: 560
    Hi Garak,

    I read, but i want some practical guidance.So if u can spend some time , it will b great.

  • prabhupdeshprabhupdesh Member Posts: 49
    hi chandru,

    Maybe you would have done this exercise.....but if you haven't then better go through each and every line and perform the practise at the will have much clear concept about matrix..

    General Description
    A matrix box is a composite control that can show information from several tables at the same time. The first two tables are the vertical and the horizontal table of the matrix box control. In the matrix part of the control, each cell can be used to display information that is calculated on basis of fields in these two tables, or information that is retrieved from other tables (with values from the first two tables being used to select records, for example by setting filters). Each cell in the matrix is the intersection of a record from the vertical and the horizontal table.

    The part to the left of the vertical divider bar displays records from the vertical table, the table that is the source table of the form, in a way similar to an ordinary table box. To the right of the divider bar is the matrix itself. Above it, the records from the horizontal table are displayed (in the style that is normally used for the labels in a table box) - this is the matrix heading. The horizontal table is called the matrix source table.

    Creating a Matrix Box
    It can be confusing to create a matrix box for the first time. Here is a step-by-step instruction to guide you through the process (what will be created is a matrix box where both the vertical and the horizontal table are based on the Integer table, and the matrix cells display the product of the two integers in the records that intersect at that cell).

    Create a new form, and select the Integer table as the source table.

    Add a matrix box to the form. Give the matrix box control a name (by setting the Name property), and set the HorzGlue and VertGlue properties to Both.

    Insert a text box with the Number field from the Integer record as the source expression in the table part of the matrix box.

    In the property sheet of the matrix box control, select Integer as the MatrixSourceTable property.

    Add a text box without a source expression to the empty part of the matrix box control. Check the InMatrix property of this text box - it should be Yes.

    Add a text box without a source expression to the last empty part (the matrix heading) of the matrix box control. Check the InMatrixHeading property of this text box - it should be Yes.

    Add a source expression to the text box in the matrix heading (the last one added.) The source expression should point to a field from the MatrixSourceTable. If the matrix box was named Matrix, and the horizontal table is the Integer table, it could be:


    Add a source expression to the text box in the matrix. Here, it could be:

    Number * CurrForm.Matrix.MatrixRec.Number
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    For Matrix Form refer to the following link :
    chandrurec wrote:
    Hi Garak,

    I read, but i want some practical guidance.So if u can spend some time , it will b great.


    I am not sure forum will be able to help more as most of us are volunteers and work for free. You should consult your senior if you need personalized help.
    CA Sandeep Singla
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