Job Card - Change Bill-to Customer No.

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

The Job module has a restriction that prevents you from changing the 'Bill-to Customer No.' on a job once a transaction has been posted against the job. Is there a good reason for this and does anybody know why? Would it cause a big problem to remove this restriction? I have a project where it could be common for a job to be billed to 2 or more different customers.

Any help appreciated,



  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    I have a project where it could be common for a job to be billed to 2 or more different customers.

    You would need to create 2 jobs. One job to be billed to each customer.
  • serendipityserendipity Member Posts: 3
    :lol: Happy holidays!

    I saw this reply on one of the support cases that was logged recently. Program Manager of the Development Team has this to say:

    “We are planning to add support for this in the upcoming release, but this also includes to add support for having both Sell-to and Bill-to Customer for a Job. A restriction will be that the Currency Code can not be changed as a result and it will be optional to "re-apply" prices and discounts based on the new customer. It will also be required that all transferred job planning lines are posted before it is possible to change customer. The current limitation was not intentional but more a result of limited time available for the implementation.”

    So reading into the response from program manager it seems you should not have any problems with bypassing the code.

    IF ("Bill-to Customer No." = '') OR ("Bill-to Customer No." <> xRec."Bill-to Customer No.") THEN
    IF JobLedgEntryExist OR JobPlanningLineExist THEN
    ERROR(Text000,FIELDCAPTION("Bill-to Customer No."),TABLECAPTION);

    The Text000 is defined as:

    You cannot change %1 because one or more entries are associated with this %2.
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