Changing Item Category Code

MorilenMorilen Member Posts: 30
We have an item that was entered with the wrong Item Category Code. I know it will not let me make a direct change because there are ledger entries. However, I tried it in the test system and if I use a dataport I can force it to the correct Item Cat code. I would rather make the change than have to re-make an item every time there is a slight error in its entry. Does anyone know what other effects this may have on my data? I assume the old entries under that item will retain their references to the incorrect Item Cat Code. This is not a big deal as the entries that are there only represent a manufacturing trial. I am mostly concerned with possible report or periodic cost adjustment errors cropping up because of this.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Try adjusting all of your inventory for that item out of the system, changing the code, and adjusting it back in. There are certain things you can't do when you have ANY item ledger entries, and certain things you can't do when you have ANY OPEN item ledger entries.
  • MorilenMorilen Member Posts: 30
    It actually already is at a zero qty on hand. I also double checked that there weren't any screwy numbers under Qty remaining and those are all zero as well. Still has me locked up from making this change.
  • klavinklavin Member Posts: 117
    It may be trying to change the Costing Method of your item based off of the Item Category Code's field "Def. Costing Method".

    What is the Costing Method of your Item and of the Category Code.

    Item Category Code - OnValidate()
    IF "Item Category Code" <> xRec."Item Category Code" THEN BEGIN
        VALIDATE("Costing Method",ItemCategory."Def. Costing Method");

    Costing Method - OnValidate()
    TestNoEntriesExist(FIELDCAPTION("Costing Method"));
    "Profanity is the one language all programmers know best."
  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,256
    It's safe to change the Item category code, as you mentioned history will have the old one.
    Also as user above pointed out, the reason for the error is the costing method that is being changed.

    I think MS needs to change the code to something like

    ILE.setrange("item No.","No.");
    if ILE.isempty then begin
    //change default costing method.

    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • MorilenMorilen Member Posts: 30
    That was exactly the problem. The default costing methods were set to Standard and we use FIFO for just about everything. I changed all the defalts and it allowed me to make the change directly on the Item Card.

    Thank you all very much.
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