Hi ,
Can anyone tell me how can i send a complete purchase order to a webservice of third party software.
The header information can be sent through parameter of webservice but in case of purchase lines there are multiple
records so cannot be send as a parameter.
Thanks in advance...
You need to create an XMLPORT based on the xml structure and using MSXMLDOM connect to the webservice and pass the
xmlfile as body.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Can u give me any example of passing xmlfile as parmeter to webservice.
http://mibuso.com/blogs/ara3n/2008/03/0 ... -navision/
You can also search mibuso. There are many examples available.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n