Change Salesperson Code in 3.10..

yuppicideyuppicide Member Posts: 410
edited 2009-09-09 in Navision Attain
Again, an issue with "spaces" in Navision bothering me..

We have 3.10. Whoever created Salesperson code did them in two different ways and it annoys me. On some they created, for example salesperson code as "RM-M" and another as "SH-M"... no spaces in between the dash. Then they created a third person as "LS - M".. with spaces between the dash. This annoys the heck out of me, because I run reports on a weekly basis to give to the salespeople. I always have to remember.

If I change the third one to not include spaces, and let Navision do it's renaming thing, will that screw anything up? Will all the Customer Cards and what not be changed as well or will I need to do that? I was going to try it one day, but I know it will freeze the whole system because it will be processing my request.. meaning, nobody will be able to use the system until it's done.. so if I do it I'll have to do it when nobody is using the system, since I won't be sure how long it will take.


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    It is safe to rename salesperson code.
    You'll just have to do it when nobody is in the system as you figured that out.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    The rename will fix everywhere that a proper table relation has been setup. This is a property on the field in table designer, which if I remember correctly you have access to.

    If the field is related to "Salesperson/Purchaser" or "Salesperson/Purchaser".Code then the rename will be fine. If some fields are not related properly (like some developers did in our database, curse them :D ) then those fields will not see the rename and will keep their original values.

    If you have a dev database try it out, that way you can see how it works and be more confident in the changes you're making.
  • yuppicideyuppicide Member Posts: 410
    Unfortunately since everyone at the company is skeptical of technology and changes, they wouldn't allow us to setup a test database to fool around with. At first they said yes, but when it came time for our NAV partner to do it, they backed out of it, even though it won't harm or do anything to our current system.

    I mean, we have a company who does all our payroll checks and they won't even allow stuff like direct deposit of paychecks! That's ridiculous in this day and age. I wish they'd allow that. Not only for to save money, but save me time as well.
  • Alex_ChowAlex_Chow Member Posts: 5,063
    Renaming salesperson code will take a looong time since it's a pretty common field that is used throughout NAV. I would do it over a weekend or a long weekend.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    You could always create a "LS-M" salesperson. Then copy & replace the salesperson code on the customer card.

    For a while you'll have to run all reports for that salesperson with a filter of [LS - M|LS-M] all new entries will have the new code an eventually you can lose the original.

    Not clean but it would work
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