Change location code in transaction entries

dndn Member Posts: 71
I need some feedbacks for a problem I am facing
We have some Items that once had two Stockkeeping Units...with location code Blue and Yellow..
For three month ago someone deleted location code Yellow and also stockkeeping unit for item in Location code "Yellow".
The consequence is we found the inventory quantity is not showing correct for Items that have transactions with both location code "Blue" and "Yellow".
My solution is that I modify transactions with "Yellow" location code to "Blue" location code...then will the inventory be correct, and because we don't need Yellow location code anymore then it can't be any danger with that modification. We are using costing method: Fifo..
I'll need to modify in table 32,5802,111,113,5407..

Can some give some comments about my idea or is it a bad solution I found?? :-k


  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    I think more information is needed.

    So you deleted the location. What did you do with the inventory that was already at that location? Did you transfer it to another location, adjust it out with an item journal, or maybe just leave it?

    Modifying the tables is never (well maybe not never, but 99.9999%) the best way to go about it.

    If you still have inventory in the YELLOW location I would say re-create that location, move all of the inventory to another location, then delete YELLOW. Much better than modifying the tables directly.
  • dndn Member Posts: 71
    matttrax wrote:
    I think more information is needed.

    So you deleted the location. What did you do with the inventory that was already at that location? Did you transfer it to another location, adjust it out with an item journal, or maybe just leave it?

    Modifying the tables is never (well maybe not never, but 99.9999%) the best way to go about it.

    If you still have inventory in the YELLOW location I would say re-create that location, move all of the inventory to another location, then delete YELLOW. Much better than modifying the tables directly.

    Thanx for the respons..
    Someone deleted the Yellow location without thinking about inventory..he/she just left it and just ONLY deleted Location code and stockkeeping unit. ](*,)
  • matttraxmatttrax Member Posts: 2,309
    Yeah, my advice remains the same.

    Recreate the location.
    Write a script to check the item ledger and for every item it finds insert the sku for that item.
    Adjust out all of the inventory.
    Delete your SKUs.
    Delete your location.

    That avoids hitting any tables manually. All it takes is one screw up and you'll start getting errors with messages that in reality point to what you just "fixed", but you would never know it by what they say. So if there's a way to do it and use the business logic to your advantage, you should do it...can you tell I speak from many bad experiences :D Good luck.
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