Just asking if someone has info on this before I look thru CU333
is it the Order counter line here what's causing multiple po's for a single vendor?
*More Detail* if I create a Req Worksheet for a number of orders, The req Worksheet creates a sperate po for each Sell-To Customer Number even tho it's all for 1 vendor. What I would like is to create 1 po per vendor regardless of how many Sell-To Customer Number there are.
I;m looking to add a setup field in purchase order setup to turn it on & off using a boolean & an if statement. First I have to find the section that's creating this.
// Create lines
LineCount := 0;
OrderCounter := 0;
OrderLineCounter := 0;
"Worksheet Template Name","Journal Batch Name","Vendor No.",
"Sell-to Customer No.","Ship-to Code","Order Address Code","Currency Code");
CASE "Requisition System" OF
"Requisition System"::Transfer :
OrderCounter := OrderCounter +1;
I can put identical orders (Special Orders) in for the same item - but with different sell-to customer numbers.
When I run "Get Sales Orders" from Req Worksheet - it pulls 2 lines both the same item from these two orders.
When Action-Create Purchase Orders is done - two po's are created.
If I do the same thing with two different orders for the same item but with the same Sell-to Customer Number.
...Same Steps
one po is created.
I'm stepping thru code coverage right now to find where it needs to create multiple po's
Made the Field "Sell-to Customer No." editable in table 246 "Requisition Line"
Made the "Sell-To Customer No." visible in form 291 "Req. Worksheet"
Now if I need to I can simply blank out the "Sell-To Customer No." or make them all the same.
When I run Action->Create Purchase Orders - Only 1 Is Created.
I see no place where the po actually saves the "Sell-to Customer No." so it just must be for the purpose of creating multiple po's in Req. Worksheet
If ur reoredering policy is "Order", Vendors are same and as per lead time etc etc if the due date is same for all the orders then NAV creates only one purchase order by default. I didn't know u might be using Special Orders.
In case of Special Order or Drop Shipment, It keeps the Sell to Customer No. on Purchase Header.
As long as the purchase line has sales order# & sales order line# filled it's all ok with us.