I tried to install Attain 3.60 Database Server in userdefined mode in order to put both the binaries and the first database part into Path H:\Navision instead of using the standard Path C:\Program Files\Navision Database\.
When i use the client for creating a database, Attain now creates the first database file (which also means the database name) in C:\Windows\System32\.
Does anybody know how to change this without having to connect by using the full database path from all clients later? (which - afaik - causes database locking)
If you have installed a Database server once it knows where the database is the clients just need to know the server name. If the database has been created in the wrong place the simplest option is to stop the Server service, move the database parts to where you really want them to be then use the Server command from a Command prompt to reset teh server service. The command would look something like
Server "full root to DB part1.fdb"+"fullroot to part2.fdb", installasservice
Then you restart the service and connect clients to that service.
Thank you for your reply, that should be the solution.
I couldnt find anything in the Manuals, does this change the paths permanently?