Installation Error

MrinmayMrinmay Member Posts: 74
edited 2009-09-02 in NAV Three Tier
Hi Experts,
I am trying to install NAV 2009 in my system developer environment. After installation am getting this below mentioned error.

SQL Server option
Cronus Sample Database for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009
Fatal error during installation.

Error -2147217900: failed to execute SQL string, error detail: The server principal 'MRINMAY\Mrinmay' already exists., SQL key: CreateLoginFromLogin SQL string: DECLARE @CreateLogin sysname, @AddRole sysname SET @CreateLogin = 'CREATE LOGIN FROM WINDOWS' SET @AddRole = 'sp_addsrvrolemember , securityadmin' IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [master].[sys].[syslogins] WHERE name = SYSTEM_USER AND isntname = 1) BEGIN EXEC ( @CreateLogin ) EXEC ( @AddRole ) END

Can anyone explain why this error is coming and how to resolved this.
Actually i have installed 2009 before in my system. in that time it was working fine. After that due some reason i un-installed that.Now when i am trying to install i am getting this error.



  • JoeKJoeK Member Posts: 53
    Hi Mrinmay,

    this sounds like your sql server, which is normaly installed with the demo installation was not uninstalled with your client (what is the normal case).
    So if you reinstall NAV2009, the installation wants to create your login on this database again. But your login is already existing, this is what the message tells you.

    In the normal case your NAV2009 should work nevertheless...

  • Peter_Wibeck_[MSFT]Peter_Wibeck_[MSFT] Member, Microsoft Employee Posts: 78
    I have been trying to reproduce your problem by adding different windows and database accounts to the SQL server without any success. I have been using NAV 2009 SP1 but I don't think it would be any difference in NAV 2009.

    The closes thing I get is the common error when you have a database already installed
    Error: Error -2147467259: failed to execute SQL string, error detail: A database with name Demo Database NAV (6-0) already exists. Delete this database in SQL Server Management Studio, run setup.exe again, and then click Repair., SQL key: StopIfDatabaseExist SQL string: IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [master].[sys].[databases] WHERE name = 'Demo Database NAV (6-0)') RAISERROR (N'A database with name %s already exists. Delete this database in SQL Server Management Studio, run setup.exe again, and then click Repair.',20,1,'Demo Database NAV (6-0)')

    The suggestions I can give to you is to install SQL Server Management Studio if you don't already have it and remove the database and the user login in your error message from that SQL server instance.
    “This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.”

    Peter Wibeck
    Software Development Engineer in Test
    Dynamics NAV Server and Installer team
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