When I post a sale invoice, the message "Item Ledger Entry Entry No '0' does not exits.". Any one can help me ?
Thank you for your support.
I think this error occured when a data is not correct. This incorrection is in the import data or in the Item Ledger Entry.
But I think the wrong value is in the import record. Check it! :!:
For example th Primary key field!!!
Run the item ledger entry table from object designer. Delete the first empty line.
If the above doesn't work run the posting of the sales invoice under debugger and see where the error is eminating from. It could be that another table is trying to link to the item ledger entry but cannot find the corresponding item ledger entry.
Your database sounds customized or the data was probably datamigrated?
I think this error occured when a data is not correct. This incorrection is in the import data or in the Item Ledger Entry.
But I think the wrong value is in the import record. Check it! :!:
For example th Primary key field!!!
If the above doesn't work run the posting of the sales invoice under debugger and see where the error is eminating from. It could be that another table is trying to link to the item ledger entry but cannot find the corresponding item ledger entry.
Your database sounds customized or the data was probably datamigrated?