Reversal G/L entry when void a Check with different currency

cbasiliscbasilis Member Posts: 18
Hi, we have a issue in the process of the void check. We made a check to a G/L Account in a differente Currency of the local currency, and Print and Post the check, but when we void the check NAV, create a incorrect G/L entry.

We setup a local currency DOP and USD for the addicional reporting Currency, and create in a payment journal a entry with a G/L account and indicate the bank for print a check. This bank have on the Currency Code USD. The amount for the check is USD 100,
G/L Account 113001 (Debit 100)
Bank Account: BANKUSD

When post the journal the G/L entry create the entry in a local currency, DOP 3,600 (100*36.00), and on the Addicional-Currency Amount.

113001 (Dolar certifications, Debit 3,600) (Add.Currency amount 100)
112002 (G/L account setup in the Bank Acc.Posting Group, Credit 3,600)(Add.Currency amount -100)

The entry is correct. But when we void this check, the reversal entry in the G/L entry, present the follow entries.

112002 (G/L account setup in the Bank Acc.Posting Group, Debit 3,600)(Add.Currency amount 100)

113001 (Dolar certifications Credit -129,600)((Add.Currency amount -3,600)
and insert another different in the G/L account setup in the currency card on the field Conv.LCY Rouding debit and Credit

The customer is in NAV 5.01 spanish version, but we see this process in NAV 2009, and make the same reversal entry.

Thank for the help


  • SD-JRSD-JR Member Posts: 94

    I think this is know issue see partnersource KB article 956772

    basically the code fix is pasted below (please test before you deploy to live.....)

    Code changes
    Note Always test code fixes in a controlled environment before you apply the fixes to your production computers.
    To apply this hotfix, change the code in the FinancialVoidCheck function in the CheckManagement codeunit (367) as follows:

    Existing code 1
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code" := "Global Dimension 1 Code";
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := "Global Dimension 2 Code";
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Cust. Ledger Entry");
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Entry No.","Entry No.");
    Replacement code 1
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code" := "Global Dimension 1 Code";
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := "Global Dimension 2 Code";
    GenJnlLine2."Source Currency Code" := "Currency Code";
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Cust. Ledger Entry");
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Entry No.","Entry No.");
    Existing code 2
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code" := "Global Dimension 1 Code";
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := "Global Dimension 2 Code";
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Vendor Ledger Entry");
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Entry No.","Entry No.");
    Replacement code 2
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code" := "Global Dimension 1 Code";
    GenJnlLine2."Shortcut Dimension 2 Code" := "Global Dimension 2 Code";
    GenJnlLine2."Source Currency Code" := "Currency Code";
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Table ID",DATABASE::"Vendor Ledger Entry");
    LedgEntryDim.SETRANGE("Entry No.","Entry No.");

    Simply Dynamics Ltd
    skype: gf.simplydynamics
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