I have a question about copying finance data from an Navision System to a newer Navision version (NO upgrade).
How should we copy the open ledger entries and which tables and should we do this via the Cust./Vendor/G/L Journals?
Are there standard dataports which allows me to do this:
Case Old data is on NAV 4.0 (UK version) : Hevvily modified objects!, New Navision is also NAV 4.0 German (Standard without any modifications (until now :-)) version, other server etc..
it is not possible to copy the open ledgerentries from old system.
You need to update open ledger entries Like customer, vendor,Bank, Inventory through Journals .
check this link : viewtopic.php?f=23&t=36510&hilit=opening+entries
Does someone have allready these dataports from a current Navision 4.0 database?
- A/R balance import
- A/P balance import
- G/L balance import
- Open Sales Orders import
- Open Purchase Orders import