You create a report or form (where you loop through your recs) with a File variable where you write the textfile.
Like create a variable MyFile of DateType File. Then open the C/AL Symbol Menu (F5 when u are in the C/AL Editor) and take a look for the MyFile functions (like OPEN(), CREATE(); NAME(), WRITE(), etc ....).
Also, if you set your mouse to, for example, the function WRITE and press then F1 a help window will be opened. Ther is also a little example.
You can make your questions, but the most of these basic questions is described in the help, also (most) with examples. As i was a beginner in NAv i have readed all the manuals and the onlinehelp. If i doesn't understand something, i ask someboy (there was not good forum in the past (early 90-ties)
If you read it, and doesn't understand it or you need some more input, aks here, we will ever help you.
Like create a variable MyFile of DateType File. Then open the C/AL Symbol Menu (F5 when u are in the C/AL Editor) and take a look for the MyFile functions (like OPEN(), CREATE(); NAME(), WRITE(), etc ....).
Also, if you set your mouse to, for example, the function WRITE and press then F1 a help window will be opened. Ther is also a little example.
You can make your questions, but the most of these basic questions is described in the help, also (most) with examples. As i was a beginner in NAv i have readed all the manuals and the onlinehelp. If i doesn't understand something, i ask someboy (there was not good forum in the past (early 90-ties)
If you read it, and doesn't understand it or you need some more input, aks here, we will ever help you.