How does "indirect permission" work?
I started with role SVE:
SVE Table 0 Yes
SVE Form 0 Yes
SVE Report 0 Yes
SVE Dataport 0 Yes
SVE Codeunit 0 Yes
SVE XMLport 0 Yes
and whith a role which have permission
I gave "indirect permission" on read "Table data" and read permission for coresponding "Table" on Form which execution need it (of course it is not the source table of form).
I still have message "You do not have permission to read Sales Invoice Header" (that is coresponding "Table" and I don't wont it to be available for the user).
Where is my mistake?
But first, to learn more about these theme, read the w1w1ism.pdf.
It's in the DOC Folder of your product CD/ DVD.