Sales Credit memo on job line

jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
This is an issue relating to crediting a sales credit memo for a job where say the wrong inventory was delivered.

Replication steps (Cronus)

Create a purchase Order for 1 item qty 1 post and invoice with job number line and type contract

go to job planning lines create a sales invoice and post

*now you wish to create a sales credit memo due to some issue

Go to Job planning lines Functions Create a new line with qty 1 for the same item,
create a sales memo,
Created sales memo has a line qty of -1 which is incorrect (sees to be a bug) so i delete the credit memo line or whole
return to job planning lines and change qty to -1

create sales memo again post and i now recieve the message
"you must post more usage or credit the sale of item "x" in job "Y" before you can post job journal line no = 0"

When i check the item ledger in question i can see my purchase line of 1 and then the negative adjustment of -1

Since i am credit the sale of the item in question why am i getting this issue.

Other issues occur if i leave the credit memo qty at -1 it is saying i must consume the item first.
If i try to create an credit against the original line "there are no lines to transfer" when i try to create a sales credit.
This also occurs when attempting to do the same in a job journal

so what is the correct procedure for creating a sales credit memo against an inventory job line or is this a series on inescapble error messages?


  • kapil4dynamicskapil4dynamics Member Posts: 591
    System is doing correctly. Go to Job journal mention the item -ve quantity and select the shipment from "Apply from Entry" field. Then create the credit memo and u will be able to post credit memo without any message or error.
    Kapil Khanna
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Hi Kapil

    that works in NAV 2009 but not 5.1, i had a look and there is a lot of coding improvements in jobs for 2009 but not 5.1

    The same message keeps appearing as mentioned above

    Its nav 5.1 latest build and updates.
  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Found my solution \:D/

    Kapil was correct for procedure but there was coding issue related to posting from the journal or credit memo

    In CU 1011 MS removed the error capture for NO and when i applied this to 5sp1 the journal posted correctly and so did the credit note

    Might Ask MS to issue a fix for this.

    CheckItemQuantityJobJnl(VAR JobJnlline : Record "Job Journal Line")

    IF (QtyBase + JobJnlline."Quantity (Base)") < 0 THEN BEGIN
    IF NoLedgerEntries = FALSE THEN
    // ERROR(
    // Text004,Item.TABLECAPTION,"No.",Job.TABLECAPTION,
    // "Job No.",JobJnlline."Journal Batch Name",
    // JobJnlline.FIELDCAPTION("Line No."),JobJnlline."Line No.");
    JobJnlline."Job No.",JobJnlline."Journal Batch Name",
    JobJnlline.FIELDCAPTION("Line No."),JobJnlline."Line No.");
  • mariusswmariussw Member Posts: 52
    For the record. I got the same problem in a sceanrio where a Job is used to develop and assemble a product that is posted back into inventory using a negative quantity on a Job Journal. Making a similar mod resolved my issue as well.
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