Dear Reema,
Please go through my full quiry. There are many lines having "Qty. to Ship" field filled. I want to post few lines from them without any change in the fields.
Just I select few lines and post the selected lines.
I want to know this can be done or not? #-o
If you enter the qty In Transfer order line , that value is not updting in Qty - to ship filed.
My dear chengalasettyvsrao,
I know that...Its a set up issue.
o God [-o< I am getting mad people can't understand my quiry :x :x :x
Please go through my full quiry. There are many lines having "Qty. to Ship" field filled. I want to post few lines from them without any change in the fields.
Just I select few lines and post the selected lines.
Be use the proper Language , dont misuse this forum.
Cool man 8) I know the importance of this forum.This is forum where we can get every solution that can't be found in any book.
Thanks for support. I got the answer(partly).
When it comes to your query , Just enter the qty for 5 items , then why don’t you use the Qty – to – Ship , qty. to recive fields in transfer order .
Just enter the qty for that 3 Lines in above fields and post .
But I just want to know can I post the selected 3 lines? If yes then how? :-k
I can't delete "Qty to Ship" field for some other reason.
Just enter the Qty in the Qty to ship field for which lines you want to post .
And click the post button - > ship. Then system automatically transfer that lines only.
Please go through my full quiry. There are many lines having "Qty. to Ship" field filled. I want to post few lines from them without any change in the fields.
Just I select few lines and post the selected lines.
I want to know this can be done or not? #-o
When it comes Standard Navision the field Qty – to ship does not update automatically based on the Qty field.
You need to enter that value manully in qty. to ship filed in transfer order line.
May be you done some customizations.
Just copy that code.
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I would highly appreciate any hints!
If you enter the qty In Transfer order line , that value is not updting in Qty - to ship filed.
Check that one how it is working.(check that code)
I know that...Its a set up issue.
o God [-o< I am getting mad people can't understand my quiry :x :x :x
Be use the proper Language , dont misuse this forum.
if u dont want to change that values in qty - to ship filed , then you need to do customization to get what you need.
Thanks for support. I got the answer(partly).