Barcode 128B as pure C/AL
Barcode 128B generation report
The FOB contains a report (50000) with a funtion to create a Code128B-Barcode as a BLOB, without the need of external programs, DLL, fonts ... - just pure CAL.
I used a report because nearly everybody can import and use it. You can copy the funtion to a codeunit, if you want.
The code has many coments so I hope you can use and modify it very easy for your own requests.
The code is based on the code of Robert de Bath (Barcode 39 in pure C/AL, see - thanks to him very much. Code39 needed to much space and doesn't have all characters I need so I modified the code for Code128B.
The example report shows the item numbers as text and as barcode.
If you have any questions please contact me or ask in the forum. (But I don't program any other barcodes like EAN, ISBN, MSI, Code93, ...)
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