Blocking customers

lanemarklanemark Member Posts: 83
We currently use the "Blocked" utility on the customer card. Is there a way where I can give only specific users permission to unblock a customer, we still wish to be able to edit the customer card in other fields.
I have checked the roles and permisions tables and cannot see "Blocked " as one of the options.
We use Nav v5



  • AntHillMobAntHillMob Member Posts: 79
    Permissions only work at the form level not the field level.

    As you are using version 5 you may want to consider the 'Approvals' functionality as this allows you to escalate an order to an approver if the customer is over terms or the order is over a certain value however this may well be overkill for your situation.

    Otherwise it would be a modification.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    The mod would be adding a boolean field to the user table "Unblocking allowed".

    And on validate of the customer table blocked field you would check to see if that user is one that is allowed to uncheck it else bring an error

    rough example.....//
    if not "unblocking allowed" then
    Error('You do not have permission to unblock a customer');

    there are many post about adding user specific for more
  • matpodmatpod Member Posts: 16
    I have acheived the same results on a NAV native database without a mod. The mod is the best solution, but for a quick and very dirty workaround you could:

    - Give only the users who need access to the customer block field, write permission to the Change Log table.
    - Enable Change logging for the Customer block field.

    Then only users who have the ability to write to the change log table can alter the field.

    Like I said, a very dirty fix, as you cannot then use the Change log table for logging any other changes without inadvertantly letting other users alter the block field.
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