Journal form

njaikunjaiku Member Posts: 116

I have created a journal form in the name of Manual Journal. This journal is used to post the entries of functionality of developed Addonmodule.
ie) In manual journal i have four variables Activity,Doc No,Date,Branch
Activity is an option field which has the options H,L,O,F.
Doc No is generated automatically from the No.Series
Date is the work date
Branch is the lookup

Journal lines will be entered down to post into the G/L Entries.
For each activity i have created a separte Setup table. In setup table i have journal batch and journal template fields.

When the user chooses the activity as H then Journal batch and journal name should get from the H Setup table. But coding have written in the open form as

// onopenform trigger
BalAccName := '';
OpenedFromBatch := ("Journal Batch Name" <> '') AND ("Journal Template Name" = '');
IF OpenedFromBatch THEN BEGIN
CurrentJnlBatchName := "Journal Batch Name";
GenJnlManagement.TemplateSelection(FORM::"General Journal",0,FALSE,Rec,JnlSelected);
IF NOT JnlSelected THEN

How should i have to get the separte batch and template for each activity from that corresponding setup.
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