I have this form with a table box control. Inside the table box are textboxes and radioboxes. I have modified the OnFormat triggers of the textboxes to put forecolors on it, but why is this radiobox doesnt have the OnFormat trigger? What I want actually is to have the a higlighted line when and where ever i put my cursor. I know the logic on how to do it in textboxes. But too bad not in radiobox. Please suggest me what to do.
Many Thanks in advance.
Navision noob....
So, if you have options and you will display the options in the list form, use a tesxtbox. Now you have also the OnFormat() Trigger.
What I want is to have forecolor on the active line in that checkbox control.
But a checkbox can't be colored or selected. So, if you really need it, us a textbox for your bool variable.
Because a checkbox has no OnFormat() ;-)
So, if you really need it, us a textbox for your bool variable, then u have the OnFormat trigger
But how about for the picture box? I also use them inside my tablebox. I cannot use a textbox as a replacement for the picturebox. Is there anyways for picturebox?
Make a function Formatboolean, input parameter a boolean ( i call it "value" in the following code ). Returns a text with length 1
Then add a textbox to your table, set the sourceexpression to "FormatBoolean(<your boolean value>)" and set the font of that field to Marlett ( you might have to fiddle with the fontsize a bit ).
That is a nice trick! \:D/
If you put this in the OnFormat trigger of the textbox you can even filter on it:
Object Manager
Then you can filter on the boolean field with F7.
Object Manager