On a Sales Order we currently use the Order Confirmation report to send to our customers, the order confirmation is actually a copy of the Sales order at the time of printing.
We usually keep a paper copy of the printed Order Confirmation, but we trying to have a paperless office! therefore we do not want to keep a paper copy, but when the order has been shipped the order confirmation report is not available.
Is there an archived copy of the order confirmation/sales order saved anywhere that I can get at if required.
Once your Sales Order is Shipped , you can still archive the document , Function ->archive Documents.
But how will this reslove your problem ?
This will take you to archived sales order again though. You could always run the report then select send by email then you would have a saved copy in your outbox?
We are already archiving! I didn't realise that we archived the Order confirmation as a Sales order.
How do I send the confirmation by e-mail, I like that idea.
option 1
Run sales confirmation report, you then select file > send > send by email (you can do this at prview stage as well)
option 2
Print but save to file
Option 3 (if u have NAV 5 or higher)
Send to word the sales order confirmation style sheet is already inbuilt, you can then save this or again email it with colour and pretty formatting
Option 4
Buy a Pdf prtinter or emailing addon for a really paperless office
I have tried some of the sending by e mail options,
Option 1. when the documents are attached to the e mail the print does not refect the report in Navision, the text does not fir thye page properly, is this just a set up issue.
Option 3. If I send using the Word style sheet, the text is all gobble de gook, is it because the format is xml rather than word type, how do I change this. Excel style sheet works ok with text.
Option 1. I believe this is a setup. If you have an attachment to the email rather then an imbeded HTML file i would look there first as my email report looks exactly the same as the print preview (i have outlook 2007) Try default for email to be html.
Option 3. Do you have multiple languages setup somewhere ? my output is plain english with no problems, try someones elses nav client to export. You could try replacing your xml file under similiar location to this C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\CSIDE Client 5.0 sp1\Stylesheets.
Either way its a setup option.