Hyperlink into Reporting Services report with Parameter

JonAJonA Member Posts: 23

I've looked around the forums but the only dynamic link I can find uses the function "Hyperlink ("www.mibuso.com")" etc etc, we have Nav 5.0 and it only seems to work when I use "explorer.exe http://www.mibuso.com".
What I want to do is have the link jump directly to a report in SQL Reporting services report manager that takes the customer number and passes it as a parameter to open the relevant report.
I've tried every example I can find but can't get it to work - has anybody done this before?
Any tips, links or advices greatly appreciated.


  • fredp1fredp1 Member Posts: 86

    Yes you can do it, but you need to have the URL pointing to the Report Server, not the usual Report Manager portal.

    The trick is the report manager portal calls the report server.
    I just go to the SQL server Management studio, connect to the report server, (not the database engine) and view the report from their to get the url.

    Below is my URL that typicaly points to a report call F07 in the purchasing folder
    http://yourservername/Reports/Pages/Rep ... sing%2fF07

    Now the same report pointing to the Report Server
    http://yourserver/ReportServer/Pages/Re ... and=Render

    Now the same report with 2 parameters
    http://yourserver/ReportServer/Pages/Re ... =1/12/2009

    Good Luck
  • JonAJonA Member Posts: 23
    I have one here that looks almost identical to what you've done but it only opens the report, without applying the parameter, any ideas?
    I haven't tried calling the parameter from Nav yet, I want to get the hard coded version working first.

    http://mvfsvrsql/ReportServer/Pages/Rep ... c:Acc=BA38
  • fredp1fredp1 Member Posts: 86

    I should have clarified, i'm passing 2 parameters, startdate and enddate,

    so in your example id BA38 is your customer account code, and your paramater is Acc the url would be like

  • JonAJonA Member Posts: 23
    Hi ok thanks for all your help so far,

    I've got this link to work if I paste it in Word and click it.

    http://mvfsvrsql/ReportServer?%2fMeadow ... r&Acc=BA38

    And it jumps to the right customer account.

    But when I add it to the button in Nav I created and click it I get..

    The path 'BA38' does not exist or is not a directory.

    Any ideas anyone?

    Plus how would I replace the BA38 with the customer No. field from Nav, my button is on the customer card.
    I've tried single, double quotes, brackets, etc etc..
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