Can anybody suggest the method to handly Jobwork in NAV 5.0.
We are getting rawmaterials from outside customers and then we are doing some process to convert into finished product. We charge the jobwork cost to the customer.
Is it possible to do it NAV 5.0. I felt the opposite of this is handled in Subcontracting module.
if it is not possible is there any workaround . to handle the stock, and the jobwork invoice.
Thanks in advance
So probably if you could explain how you want to handle the inventory and if you have manafacturing or not would be a good place to get some more detailed answers
I am looking for a way to 1. maintain/reconscile the stock i am receiving from customers as part of Jobwork.
2.I should be able to raise the Jobwork Invoice
Create the seperate Item code for that customer.
Place a check In the field Item Value Zero.
Receive the material to that lcoation , and consume that material and get out put.
Crreate the Sales invoice for that JOb work(just load the Capacitty cost & lablor cost)