Hi All,
I have a issue while running master scheduling , can anybody help me for the same .
First case : Suppose i run a master planning without selecting any item it takes all the orders from the Sale order window & create the plan accordingly considering free on - hand , which is perfectly what is required
Second case : Now if i run the schedulinmg for a particular item , it doesnt consider the on-hand & generates the full requirement . Is this the Standard AX master scheduling ?
FG(finished good ) - BOM (1 Qty )
---- RW1 as raw material on the BOM lines(10 pcs per Qty ) (on hand qty 100 )
---- RW2 as raw material again(20 pcs per qty ) (zero on hand )
now a planning for FG qty 10 is run , first case is perfect .
but second generates the requirement for RW1 also for which i already have the on-hand.which according to me fails the whole idea of MP .
Kindly help , Waiting for your valuable response .
Thanks ,
The answer is you should not run a filtered planning run, you should always run a full regenerative plan and filter out. Not always possible but if you set a filter you can filter out other dependent elements. Not sure if this would affect the on hand, depends on any other filters, but it may do, but feel free to log it with MS, and they will tell you not to filter
If a user runs the complete scheduling without filters , user get lost in so much of the records which makes it very unclear as a whole .
Just wanted to know one thing as you mentioned to use the filters ,is there any way out to filter order wise . I believe a work around might help , lets see .
That means in standard we dont have the item based planning , il register the issue to MS in case i dont get the solution