I need to keep an history of sales orders.
I know that when I print a sales order this version is archived and a new one is created. This keeps the archive updated.
But if I want to list the sales order archive the same order can be displayed several times with different version numbers, is there anyway to solve this, something similiar with grouping by sale order number and displaying only the "top" version number.
As anyone had the same problem?
What solution did you use, sales header archive table or did you created a new history table for sales headers.
Thank you very much
1) 50000 Max Version No. Integer
Editable = No
CalcFormula = Max("Sales Header Archive"."Version No." WHERE (Document Type=FIELD(Document Type),No.=FIELD(No.)))
2) 50001 Max Exist Boolean
Editable = No
CalcFormula = Exist("Sales Header Archive" WHERE (Document Type=FIELD(Document Type),No.=FIELD(No.),Max Version No.=FIELD(Version No.)))
Save the table. Now open the form Sales List Archive and on the form property
SourceTableView = WHERE(Max Exist=CONST(Yes))
Hope this will Help. 8)
Naveen Jain
Best regards