Problem With Dimensions When Posting BOM Journal

Jonathan2708Jonathan2708 Member Posts: 552

I'm trying to post a BOM journal but it fails to post during the 'Adjusting value entries...' posting phase with the error 'Select Dimension Value Code 60 for the Dimension Code COSTCENTRE for Item RM01020'. Item RM01020 is a component item for some of the finished items I'm making. It's item card does have a default dimension for COSTCENTRE of 60 with the Value Posting field set to 'Same Code'. However I have ensured that every BOM journal line has the COSTCENTRE 60 set on the journal line (and has the corresponding child record in the 'Journal Line Dimension' table) so I'm at a loss as to why it refuses to post.

Any help appreciated, I'm using NAV 5.0SP1 on SQL Server 2005 (no customisations in this area).



  • jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 1,000
    Have you checked in the dimensions line subtable ?

    You might see for your item that COSTCENTRE 60 exists on the BOM Line, but if you select line > Dimensions you will see the journal dimension lines table. Check if the same values exists here and if they do reenter them.
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