
Credit memo approval

VeicaVeica Member Posts: 43
We are using the document approval fors sales orders and purchase orders. Everything is working fine but now we've been asked to do the same thing for the credit memos. We can't find anything that would allow us to setup the document approval for credit memos. We need to turn that on so anything above $500 will go to our VP Finance. Is that even possible?


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    aseigleaseigle Member Posts: 207
    This is copied right from the SalesPurchaseDocumentApproval White Paper.

    Approval Templates
    Users can choose which types of sales or purchase documents to include in the approval process and
    which approval type and limit type to use for each document.
    A set of standard templates have been provided for this purpose in the Approval Templates window.
    The options are:
    • Quote (Quotation)
    • Order
    • Invoice
    • Credit Memo
    • Return order
    • Blanket Order

    Under Admin > Application Setup > Document Approval > Approval Templates you have the ability to specify Credit Memo in the Document Type field.
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    VeicaVeica Member Posts: 43
    I forgot to mention that we tested the credit memo approval and we need at least 4 levels of approbation and the last one needs to be our VP Finance if they are over $500. So far in our tests it didn't work. Could it be because we already have an approval amount for the sales orders? Our process is fairly complex when it comes to approvals!!!
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