
Automation server not working

Prototype1Prototype1 Member Posts: 37
Hi all,
I have integrated Waldo's NavPad into my Contact card. It works fine in my Native test Database and in my SQL live system for my logon (We use Windows for verification.) If I access through Terminal Services I get an error "... Unknown Automation Server. Unknown Class....". I get a similar error if I log in as another user on my PC and/or through any other PC on the network. Any Ideas what I need to do to fix? ](*,)




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    garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    edited 2009-07-14
    Is the NAV Pad installed on the Terminal Server and did you installed it so, that EVERYONE can use it?
    Do you make it right, it works too!
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    Prototype1Prototype1 Member Posts: 37
    Hi, No it's installed on my NAV server. Does it have to be on the TS as well? I did wonder about this, but as my network based users have the error I wondered if I had made some other mistake.

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    garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    if your users work on a TerminaServer then they run there a profile and a desktop and the applications, like NAV, IExplore, Wordpad, etc. on the termianServer. So if you want to start on the terminalserver a programm, the programm must there installed and not on your local pc. Navision runs unter the TerminalServer right? And on the TerminalServer (or Servers if there are more then one) is the Waldo Nav Pad not installed. Correct?
    Do you make it right, it works too!
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    Prototype1Prototype1 Member Posts: 37
    OK, I get you. I'll install NavPad on the TS. This will hopefully sort out the TS users, but what about the Network users who get the error? Should I put NavPad on all PC's running NAV or can I put it on the NAV server?
    Thanks for your time

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    garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    On all machines (TeminalServer, CitrixServer, local Machines, etc.) where Waldos Pad should run, it must be installed.

    Other question to make it easier in the future: Did you have a developer license?
    Do you make it right, it works too!
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    Prototype1Prototype1 Member Posts: 37
    OK thanks for that. Yes I have a developers licence...though training is sadly lacking at present. I uninstalled and re installed NavPad and noticed I could select "one or all users" :oops: Usually the simple things that catch you out.
    Installed and running now
    Thanks again for your time.

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    garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    No problem and welcome to mibuso.

    For the future:

    Read also this HowTo. It's a nice trick if you must install this in the future on other pcs.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
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