
Material rejection - Payment block

pashya1972pashya1972 Member Posts: 176
I would like to handle following situation to protect the interest of the company.

Example : Supplier "A" has raised invoice for Rs.1,00,000 Qty 100 Nos
Material gets rejected partially i.e. 50 Nos by QC person.
Supplier is a Manufacture and goods are excisable.
Now I require that the system should not allow to make payment against this invoice (only for qty 50 nos) since the material is partially rejected.
> Nav provides for field "on Hold" in the invoice header due to which system does not show the invoices while making payment. But in this case it's a partial rejection. Rejected goods will be redespatched within 2-3 months considering the transport cost and the small qty involved or other factors. Now since the material is excisable i can't raise credit memo until and unless it is physically removed from the factory.

But at the same time i want to make sure that payment should not be made by the Payment Process owner since invoice will be passed and there is chance of payment though the material is rejected.

How we can tackle this by making sure that the payment is protected against rejection cases.

Thanx in advance



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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    Create a credit through the Vendor journal for the 50% amount (or how ever much). Apply this to the invoice. Either at the same time or later depending on how you account for this, create an open entry that reverses this credit.

    Now when you return the goods, apply the credit memo to the newly created open balancing entry.
    David Singleton
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