
Porblem with Manufacting plan

ajunshiajunshi Member Posts: 15
I use Navision 4.0 sp2.
First I created some orders, and setup requested delivery date afrer 10-05-31.Then I create firm planned prod. orders by sales orders, but firm Planned Prod. Orders due date all are 10-01-05 and starting date-time are 09-12-07 8:00:00 and ending date-time are 09-12-31 16:00:00. Why aren't all times base on sales order delivery date?
second I created some delivery date before 09-12-31 orders. And I created firm planned prod. orders by those sales orders. All times in firm planned prod. orders are base on sales orders' delivery date.
Is the system bug or has I the wrong setup?


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    AdamRoueAdamRoue Member Posts: 1,283
    I would say it is your setup but you have not really told us about the setup or the process settings when you create the order so it is difficult to say, so not being able to rule it out I would say it is your setup or the way you are processing. :)
    The art of teaching is clarity and the art of learning is to listen
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    ajunshiajunshi Member Posts: 15
    It's problem of Work Centers and Machine Centers. I forgot to calculate. Now it's solved.
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