i am not able to understand .
could u explain some more about this........
No body do a local sales with a C form so I asked you look in for more details to clear the doubts. Somewhere you will found that the vendor is out of your state.
I think the transaction may be of In transit Sales in which Local dealer can issue invoice with a form C. However in such sale the condition is that the material shd be directly deliver to the buyer. The intermediate dealer will raise only invoice and not deliver the material from his godown. All the relevant documents i.e. LR , etc shd prove the validity of the transaction i.e. its a Out of State sale and supported by a Form C.
In this case the buyer can issue form C to the Local Dealer.
However I advise u reconfirm with your local authorities.
May be I did not explain about the issue very well.
We implemented Navision to customer which is in Andhra Pradesh.
Customer placing a purchase order for vendor ( Andhra Pradesh). Vendor Tax area code = Vat
When customer placing a purchase order submits the C form that means customer will select the structure = Excise + CST , at that system should calculate the 2 % tax instead of 4 % tax.
1.Your structure shd include Excise + Tax
2. CST 2% is toally depend on structure it depends on the Tax Jurisdiction i.e. whether it is VAT or CST and State.
If it is Vat then system picks up the tax rate from the Tax group code and calculates VAT.
For calculating CST .
System checks for "state" defined on the vendor card. If it is other than Local state (i.e. in your case it is AP) then system will apply CST from Tax group code.
Form code selection is mandatory.
Select Form Code (for which tax % shd be 2%)
For the VAT jurisdiction it will not calculate 2% against Form C.
Your transaction seems to be local , and hence pls reconfirm the applicability of Form C since it is applicable only to interstate transactions.
I think the transaction may be of In transit Sales in which Local dealer can issue invoice with a form C. However in such sale the condition is that the material shd be directly deliver to the buyer. The intermediate dealer will raise only invoice and not deliver the material from his godown. All the relevant documents i.e. LR , etc shd prove the validity of the transaction i.e. its a Out of State sale and supported by a Form C.
In this case the buyer can issue form C to the Local Dealer.
I have checked your scenario and found that it will be a CST sales with C form. I wonder the scenario is handled by default in Nav. Either you need to customize or you can use the VAT with a form code to define CST rate for the vat scenario.
To caluclate the Vat For Intrastate , u need to define the Tax detail Line .
same as create the another Tax detail Line and add the Form code " C FORM" and define the 2 %.
Then system will automatically calucalte tax amount Local purchases with C form Transaction and load that amounton Inventory.
But check the report Intrastate Sales and Purchases Report . In that Report the amount is showing as Input amount for the C form Transaction . so U need to do some customization in the report.
Local Sales with a Central Sales Tax form. I believe you need to find out more with that transaction.
i am not able to understand .
could u explain some more about this........
No body do a local sales with a C form so I asked you look in for more details to clear the doubts. Somewhere you will found that the vendor is out of your state.
In this case the buyer can issue form C to the Local Dealer.
However I advise u reconfirm with your local authorities.
May be I did not explain about the issue very well.
We implemented Navision to customer which is in Andhra Pradesh.
Customer placing a purchase order for vendor ( Andhra Pradesh). Vendor Tax area code = Vat
When customer placing a purchase order submits the C form that means customer will select the structure = Excise + CST , at that system should calculate the 2 % tax instead of 4 % tax.
So how to solve this problem.
2. CST 2% is toally depend on structure it depends on the Tax Jurisdiction i.e. whether it is VAT or CST and State.
If it is Vat then system picks up the tax rate from the Tax group code and calculates VAT.
For calculating CST .
System checks for "state" defined on the vendor card. If it is other than Local state (i.e. in your case it is AP) then system will apply CST from Tax group code.
Form code selection is mandatory.
Select Form Code (for which tax % shd be 2%)
For the VAT jurisdiction it will not calculate 2% against Form C.
Your transaction seems to be local , and hence pls reconfirm the applicability of Form C since it is applicable only to interstate transactions.
Best regards,
Yes , that is true.
How to solve this probelm.
Throw some light on this.
I have checked your scenario and found that it will be a CST sales with C form. I wonder the scenario is handled by default in Nav. Either you need to customize or you can use the VAT with a form code to define CST rate for the vat scenario.
Could u throw some more light on this , I am not able to understand how to solve this problem.
please let me know the solution about this .......... ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
I am also facing the same problem .
help me.
It is nothing but a setup configuration.
To caluclate the Vat For Intrastate , u need to define the Tax detail Line .
same as create the another Tax detail Line and add the Form code " C FORM" and define the 2 %.
Then system will automatically calucalte tax amount Local purchases with C form Transaction and load that amounton Inventory.
But check the report Intrastate Sales and Purchases Report . In that Report the amount is showing as Input amount for the C form Transaction . so U need to do some customization in the report.