
Problem while registering Pick

manjusreemanjusree Member Posts: 79
Hi all,

we are facing the following issue with WMS on Navision-4 SP3.

Suppose we are trying to register a pick/put-away document and an error (for eg., required inventory not available) comes in between or the system got hanged. If we try to register again, the system says, registered pick/put-away has been already created. From back end, we can delete it, no problem. But where the issue comes is some items are taken from the respective bins, but not placed anywhere. We need to do a lot of corrections before posting it again. This problem occurs frequently when the pick contains quite a lot of items.

Any kind of customization can solve this?. Any kind of help would be appreciated.



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    mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,504
    check the code where you are getting error with Debugger
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    manjusreemanjusree Member Posts: 79
    Actually the probelm is whenever the registering process breaks in between, the system is not bringing the pick back to its initial state. Instead, some lines get partially posted. I've not seen such a problem anywhere else in Nav.

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    MBergerMBerger Member Posts: 413
    Then there is a COMMIT somewhere in the code, and the posting breaks after that. That is the only way to get a partially posted document.
    From experience, this occurs when there are customizations that are implemented AFTER this COMMIT, and something goes wrong with them. Solution is either to move those customizations before the COMMIT, or if this is not possible, make sure ( through some checks before the COMMIT ) that the customization won't break.
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    manjusreemanjusree Member Posts: 79
    Thank u so much. I think thats the problem.

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