is there any possibility to en-/disable a checkbox in a request form of a report using the OnInit trigger? the checkbox should only be enabled if one specific user is logged in.
step 2:
write the following code in the trigger OnOpenForm (not OnInit) of the request form:
IF USERID = [Your specific UserId] THEN
RequestOptionsForm.[your Controlname].ENABLED(FALSE);
that's all
but wouldn't it be better to use the property "VISIBLE" instead of "ENABLED"? that way no other user would ask himself what he has to do to select this field
step 1:
the control needs a name
step 2:
write the following code in the trigger OnOpenForm (not OnInit) of the request form: that's all
but wouldn't it be better to use the property "VISIBLE" instead of "ENABLED"? that way no other user would ask himself what he has to do to select this field
vielen dank!