I want to reverse an entry that was posted to a previous period, but I want to reverse it in a current period. Is there a way to reverse a general journal entry and change the date?
General Journal can be reversed by going to the GL account then ledger entries, select the appropriate ledger entry then functions > reverse
This will take you to the reverse transaction entries table. Here however you can only amend the Description field not the date.
I imagine you don't wish to affect closing figures of a previous closed period, though if that entry needs to be reversed you should reverse it at the date it was done then update your closing figures.
Otherwise you should post a reverse journal for this period to the same account to make the account balance correctly.
Reversing by its very nature means reversing the transaction so that the effects can be nullified, and so as is the concept in NAV. That is why the same date is posted for reversals.
You need to post a correcting entry in the date you require.
The same will affect the G/L balances within that duration.
I want to reverse an entry that was posted to a previous period, but I want to reverse it in a current period. Is there a way to reverse a general journal entry and change the date?
I want to reverse an entry that was posted to a previous period, but I want to reverse it in a current period. Is there a way to reverse a general journal entry and change the date?
Not using the Reverse Entry function. The Reverse Entry is exactly what it is; it's reversing the entry that you made. If you need to change the date, it's would be a new entry to reverse it with a different posting date.
This will take you to the reverse transaction entries table. Here however you can only amend the Description field not the date.
I imagine you don't wish to affect closing figures of a previous closed period, though if that entry needs to be reversed you should reverse it at the date it was done then update your closing figures.
Otherwise you should post a reverse journal for this period to the same account to make the account balance correctly.
What has your accounts advised you ?
You need to post a correcting entry in the date you require.
The same will affect the G/L balances within that duration.
Well that isn't a reversal then. :-k
8) I think u skipped there is difference between correction entry and reversal.
Not using the Reverse Entry function. The Reverse Entry is exactly what it is; it's reversing the entry that you made. If you need to change the date, it's would be a new entry to reverse it with a different posting date.
AP Commerce, Inc. = where I work
Getting Started with Dynamics NAV 2013 Application Development = my book
Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV - 3rd Edition = my 2nd book