
Counting problem!

nardionlinenardionline Member Posts: 34
I need to count number of records within the body.
and i need to display the records , where the counting is equal or less then 3
I don't know to much about counting.
Help required!
Regards Nardi.


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    David_SingletonDavid_Singleton Member Posts: 5,479
    I don't know to much about counting.

    I guess that explains why you posted twice then. :x
    David Singleton
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    SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    When you say body I'm assuming you're trying to do a report...Yes???
    When you talk about counting to 3, I'm assming You want 3 lines on a page...Yes???

    LinesPerPage - Integer

    OnPostSection() of your body
    LinesPerPage := LinesPerPage + 1;
    IF LinesPerPage > 3 THEN

    If this isn't what you were talking about, then please explain in much more detail.

    Ps.. That's funny :lol:
    I don't know to much about counting.
    I guess that explains why you posted twice then. :x
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    nardionlinenardionline Member Posts: 34
    Yeah very funny.
    i am lol.
    So i have a report who get's me unpaid bills.
    I need to filter all my consumers , who have less then three bills unpaid.
    Thanx for everything.
    anyway thanks in advance,
    You are all great.
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