
Employeed Portal List form error

daler40daler40 Member Posts: 3
edited 2009-07-06 in Navision e-Commerce
I have made the code changes to CU 6813 and 6816 to filter the userid to the record. it works for Card webparts but on List webparts I get an error:

Navision error (10500): A '=' is missing in TransferFormulaData. WHERE(Salesperson Code=CONST("MLS"),ORDER(Ascending) )

The code I added to 6813 is:

IF TableNo = 13 THEN

The code I added to 6816 is:



I also added the parameter to the the functions of useridin in the CU 6815.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!??

On other thing I might add -

I am trying to filter the Salesperson Userid to a Salesperson Card in EP. Then i am adding some reports to the SP EP Card. Then I am trying to filter the Contact List to the SP Card - this filter will not (at least I do not know how to get it to filter) pass from the SP card to the Contact List...

So i was adding code to filter table 5050 to the Salesperson and then when the EP opens the Contact List form gives me the error I listed above...
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