NAV Client always on top

superjetsuperjet Member Posts: 40
Hello! :)
I am new to this forum, but i didn't find answer on my question.

I am making miniforms in Navision which will be shown to warehouse handheld device (mobile scanner), connected via RDP. Do you know how to set to the opened Navision Client property "Always on Top", like Task Manager has.
I also hide MS Windows system tray, so this problem is actual to me. How would you decide it?



  • NostaNosta Member Posts: 31

    I can suggest you to create simple dll where you can set window style WS_EX_TOPMOST (see SetWindowLong function in WinAPI32) for your NAV-application main window, then register this library in the ssytem and call it from NAV every time you need set "Always On Top" to your NAV client.
    But be aware that your NAV-window can be overlapped by any other "Always On Top" window (Task Manager, for example)

  • fufikkfufikk Member Posts: 104
    If navision is the only app that's supposed to start after launching rdp, then create a shortcut with rdp connection, open properties, switch to Program tab (it's 4-th from the left in my PL win xp) and there you can enter application that is supposed to start after successful login. However I'm not sure if mobile windows rdp has that option.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Yes, they have. And it is good solution to start only NAV client without the "explorer" (desktop).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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