
Reversing Posted Service shiptment

SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281

is there any one know how to reverse the Posted Service Shiptment?? hoping for your reply.. thanks


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    jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 999
    HI Depending upon your version you can do the following to reverse shipment or consumption

    Go to Service > History > Service shipment No > Shipment button > Service shipment lines > functions > Undo shipment
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    SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281
    Im using NAV 5 sp1, ok I'll check it first..Thanks
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    jannestigjannestig Member Posts: 999
    Thats the version i referenced in giving the directory path. :)
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    SilvaSilva Member Posts: 281

    Thanks for the support!! salamat!! =D>
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